
CACFP - Grain Requirements

2 credits


Full course description

This project was developed based on the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)Links to an external site.. This course is intended to provide supplemental training for childcare providers who participate in CACFP. This course will: - Help ensure that the grain requirements of the CACFP meal pattern are met - Identify whole grain and whole grain-rich items - Explain the benefits of whole grains - Describe methods to determine if a food item is whole grain-rich - Explain how to determine if breakfast cereals meet sugar limit criteria - Provide resources and tips for menu planning This course will take approximately 2 hours to complete: - Pre-test (15 minutes) - Whole Grains Video - Part One (~26 minutes) - Whole Grains Video - Part Two (~27 minutes) - Resources (~20 -30 minutes) - Post-test (15 minutes)

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