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Annual IEPs and IEP tracking

Started Dec 29, 2021
0.5 credits


Full course description

Technical Assistance training for FAPE, IEP Management & Tracking, Parent Participation, Revocation of Services with a PWN and Progress Reports in accordance with 92 NAC 51-007.02 and 92 NAC 51-004.01.


The outcomes for the course are:

  1. Understand the process for scheduling and conducting annual reviews for each student in the District with an IEP.
  2. Know the policies and procedures for ensuring that each eligible student in the District has an IEP at the beginning of each school year; including students who attend a private school, service agency or are receiving homebound instruction. 
  3. Identify the circumstances and reasons under which a school team would implement the provisions of an “expired” IEP
  4. Know the process for ensuring that IEPs of eligible students are reviewed and revised in a timely manner.
  5. Understand how to document the implementation of a student’s IEP.
  6. Know when and how to the complete the steps of Revocation of Consent for special education services by a parent. Including the steps for properly documenting this process.
  7. Understand how to document the implementation of a student’s IEP, including how to collect progress monitoring data and communicate progress through providing regular progress reports.

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