Digital Citizenship for Teachers Course card

Digital Citizenship for Teachers

6 credits


Full course description

The course uses the Edvolve Framework Download Edvolve Framework as the foundation for organizing digital citizenship content because when we have a logical structure with which to think about all the facets of digital citizenship, we are better equipped to envision natural ties to the content we teach and find "teachable moments." You will notice that after Chapter 1 (Getting Started), the course chapters line up with the four strands in the Framework. The final course chapter will help you put it all together. The first 100 people to complete the course will get  Dr. Kristin Mattson's Book, "Digital Citizenship in Action" for FREE! 

Although this is a "self-paced" course, you have the opportunity to process and discuss the content with others through discussion boards that are posted on each lesson page. We hope you will enjoy the combination of learning independently and with others.

Although every user is different, this course takes most users 5-6 hours to complete. 

  • Chapter 1: Getting Started
  • Chapter 2: Digital Safety
  • Chapter 3: Media and Information Literacy
  • Chapter 4: Digital Well-Being
  • Chapter 5: Social Responsibility
  • Chapter 6: Putting it All Together

After taking this course, participants will:

  • Be well-versed in the Edvolve Framework for Digital Citizenship
  • Know and define the four strands of digital citizenship 
  • Identify various concepts and corresponding grade level progression for each strand
  • Identify technology skills that support each strand of digital citizenship
  • Relate national content standards and competencies to digital citizenship strands
  • Describe how digital citizenship can be positive and student-empowering
  • Reflect on personal digital citizenship habits/behaviors and identify ways to strengthen them
  • Envision what digital citizenship instruction looks like when it is integrated into content areas in meaningful (big and small) ways
  • Apply various teaching strategies and resources from the course 

Sign up for this course today!
